How to Naturally Lower Stress Hormone (Cortisol)

by Angie





Stress is everywhere and the causes of stress also. Would you agree?


Our natural “fight or flight” response is designed to help us with injury, death, escape or emergency then quickly return to our normal levels after stress after we’ve fought or flown. That doesn’t happen nowadays though in our society and stress has become long-term and chronic.


The stress hormone cortisol is released from your adrenal glands in response to stress. Cortisol is naturally high in the morning and designed to get you going; then, it slowly fades during the day so you can sleep.


When cortisol is too-high all the time, it can cause belly fat, brain fog, anxiety, poor sleep, slow metabolism, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances and lower your immunity.




Most of us experience that. Don’t be sad because there are foods we can eat to lower cortisol along with different modalities to help you lower cortisol.


Foods and nutrients to lower cortisol


Start with the most significant offender that increases your cortisol…. Yes, I hate to break it down to you – it is sugar! Reducing the sugar we eat can be a huge help! We need to manage our blood sugar levels to lower cortisol. Eat low sugar, low-glycemic diet (no processed food, no sugary drinks or snacks, refined grain products).

Eat an anti-inflammatory diet, which is high in antioxidants, low in processed food, high in fiber and healthy fats, which are the key to balancing hormones and a huge help in managing your sugar cravings.


Don’t drink too much coffee or alcohol. Too much caffeine increases cortisol levels. When you feel anxious after drinking it, it mean that you need to cut back on caffeine.


Don’t consume refined or trans fats, which will help you to balance your blood sugar and keep you thin.


Eat food with a lot of fiber (vegetables, fruits).


Eat healthy protein. Protein will have you stabilize your blood sugar. Make sure that you eat at least organic if not pastured eggs and poultry, grass-fed meat and wild caught fish.


Eat enough healthy fats, like avocado, nuts and seeds, coconut oil; they will help you to fight sugar craving and keep you full.


Eat balanced meals, which includes protein, fat, and fiber on the plate.


Heal your gut from infections and digestion problems (that includes to find out what are your food sensitivities if any)because that also creates stress in the body and contributes to higher cortisol in the body.


Drink enough water – dehydration also increases cortisol levels. When you feel thirsty that means that you are already dehydrated, so drink on a regular basis.


Take probiotics and prebiotics! Eat cultured food like sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, kefir. New research has shown that there is a gut-mind connection, and taking care of your friendly gut microbes is critical!


Consume adaptogen herbs and superfoods.

They are great for reducing stress nad lowering cortisol. They naturally lower high cortisol levels. They reduce inflammation (they are high antioxidants), help balance hormones. They have antiviral and antibacterial properties along with natural anti-depressant effects. They help fight fatigue and help balance blood sugar levels (so crucial for keeping the cortisol low).

Some of the adaptogenic herbs that can help lower cortisol:





licorice root

maca powder

holy basil

and my favorite medicinal mushrooms ( reishi and Cordyceps)


Essential Oils are excellent to Promote Relaxation

Essential oils help fight stress and help to balance hormones. Use lavender, bergamot, myrrh, frankincense contain potent, ingredients which naturally lower cortisol, help with sleep, lower inflammation, improve immunity, and improve digestive functions.

Diffuse clary sage, frankincense, and myrrh for hormonal balance or pot them in the bath. You can also just inhale them or rub, them directly into your skin. Make sure that they are appropriately mixed with a carrier oil (like coconut or jojoba oil). Peppermint or lemon oil will help you to deal with side effect of high cortisol like bloated stomach, indigestion or acne.



Lifestyle techniques to lower cortisol


There are other things you can do with your time that can lower cortisol. Chronic stress is linked to may health problems, and it is important to try to lower your stress in your life.


You can decrease the negative impact of stress with the help of:


Mindfulness: Hundreds of studies have shown that reducing stressful thoughts and worry, reduces cortisol. Meditation is a perfect practice for stress reduction, and it helps the body to relax. Try to meditate for 15 minutes a day and make it a daily practice. The results will not disappoint you.


Breathwork: deep breathing exercise is perfect for cortisol reduction. Breathwork helps turn down the sympathetic nervous system and puts the body in relaxation state by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.


Take time to play outdoors in nature. Studies have been shown that spending time in nature helps reduce cortisol, anxiety and it promotes relaxation. Go on a walk, hike, sit by the tree, or by the creek, walk through the forest, lay on the ground with your belly not feel Grandmother Earth.


Try acupuncture which is excellent for stress reduction and anxiety.


Exercise has been shown that it helps with reducing cortisol. But don’t overdo it because that would work another way around, and it will increase stress on the body.


Sleep is critical. Make sure you appreciate your sleep! Sleep can help reduces cortisol levels and feel relaxed.


Have fun, play and relax! Get a massage, go to the sauna, hot springs (if they are close by), get a dog, listen to the music, go dancing!


Spend time with friends and family. Be social! You don’t have to do it alone! It is crucial to maintaining good relationships and spending time with people you like and who support you.



Now you know that if you have high cortisol, it can negatively impact your health and you also know that there are many ways you can reduce levels of cortisol naturally.


Regarding nutrients and food remember to consume less sugar and caffeine. Drink more water and tea instead, eat fruit some dark chocolate, probiotics, and prebiotics.


Lifestyle factors have a considerable impact when it comes to reducing cortisol. Get more sleep, find the right exercise for you (but not too much), relax, and have more fun.


In the comments below, let me know your favorite ways to bust the stress hormone cortisol!



Chocolate Pudding

Serves 6

four ripe avocados

½ cup raw cacao powder (unsweetened)

¼ cup maple syrup

½ tablespoon vanilla extract

1 dash salt



Place all ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth.

Serve & enjoy!

Tip: Try adding a pinch of cinnamon for a more in-depth flavor.

In Health



Having a healthy gut and digestion will help you reduce cortisol. They my new program RESTORE YOU GUT! 





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