Benefits of lemon and cucumber water

by Angie


I love to drink Cucumber lemon water. It is s one of my favorite drinks. I always have a big jug cooling in the fridge. It helps hydrate the body and helps you feel great too!


Below are 7 benefits and 2 refreshing recipes to help you along.


  1. Alkalizes the body

It is common knowledge that illness cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.

Lemons and cucumbers are alkaline forming foods that will help your body to function at its optimal level. A balanced pH is everything if you want to stay healthy.


  1. Hydrates

Staying hydrated helps to maintain the right body temperature, assists in a healthy cardiovascular system and cleanses the body of toxins. When your body receives enough water, you’ll have more energy and your organs will do a better job.


  1. Help boosts Energy Levels

Drank first thing in the morning, it gives a nice energy boost, thanks to the Vitamin C, potassium and phytonutrients.


  1. Adds Vitamins and Minerals

Water is essential to the body, but there are no vitamins in water. By adding in cucumbers and lemons you are adding vitamins and minerals. If you add fruits you will be also adding antioxidants and extra vitamins.


  1. Curbs Appetite and Helps with Digestion

If you drink a glass of lemon and cucumber water while you’re hungry, it can help sustain your appetite until your next meal. If you eat while you’re not actually hungry can lead sluggishness and weight gain. When you feel hunger coming on before it’s time to eat, notice whether you’re simply thirsty. Water with lemon helps with weight loss. Lemons contain pectin fiber, which helps suppress hunger cravings. Citrus flavonoids help stimulate and purify the liver (think when you’ve been partying hard and want to clean the liver from toxins) Citrus flavonoids also help to dissolve gallstones, kidney stones, pancreatic stones and calcium deposits.


  1. Promotes healing

With Lemon added to your water, you increase your intake of Vitamin C and anti-oxidants, which double as an immune system booster. Helping the body to fight free radicals and remain healthy.


  1. Detoxifying:

When you use cucumber and lemon water during a detox program your body will benefit. The water contains antioxidants that help fight free radicals and flush out built-up toxins because of its hydrating effect. Drinking it every day aids in detoxifying on a regular basis.



Lemon Cucumber and Mint Water


I love cucumbers and lemons with a hint of mint. I love the cooling effect of fresh mint on a hot sunny day.




1 gallon of water


1 ½ lemon, sliced


1 ½ cucumber, sliced


½ box of fresh mint



In a glass water pitcher, add water, lemon, cucumber, and fresh mint. Let it chill for at least 2 hours or up to 24 hours and drink.


Raspberry and Strawberry Lemon water


Lemon, cucumber, raspberries, and strawberries work well together. Also, consider adding mint or basil depending upon your particular palate. Strawberries and raspberries infuse the water with vitamins (like vitamin C) that cucumbers lack. This water is also great detoxifier and it helps the body get rid of any toxins; especially when drink right after you wake up.




1 gallon of water


1 ½ cucumber sliced


2 lemons sliced


8 strawberries, sliced


10 raspberries


4 sprigs of fresh – basil or mint


Instructions: (Same instructions as above?)

In a pitcher, add water, lemon, cucumber, and fresh mint. Let it chill for at least 2 hours or up to 24 hours. Serve with ice.

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