Yummy Hot Chocolate with Coconut Whipped Cream

by Angie


Oh yes, it is the perfect time of the year for hot chocolate. I love hot chocolate so much, especially the healthy version I make, and the holiday season doesn’t feel like holiday season without a cup of hot chocolate.

I love snuggling by the fire, wrapped up in the blanket with my dogs and wonderfully tasting hot chocolate and sip it on it.

Hot chocolate brings a lot of memories from my childhood, family traditions and warmth of my home. Winter in Poland could be really cold, but I remember that I used to play outside all the time. I was the kind of child that couldn’t sit still and wanted to be outdoor pretty much all the time. I always knew though that when I came back, hot chocolate would be waiting for me! It was such a great treat!

Of course, that hot chocolate wasn’t the healthiest one in the world, but it tasted delicious. I came up with a more robust version and a great recipe that is nostalgic and yummy!

I know you will ask- why do I suggest drinking chocolate? My clients are always surprised when I recommend doing so. I suggest a square of chocolate or decadent hot chocolate as a treat. I only use raw cacao, which is the purest cacao you can consume; it is less processed than the cacao you can buy in the regular store. Cocoa is the term used to refer to the heated form of cacao that you probably grew up buying at the store in the form of cocoa powder. Chocolate in its raw form is the most delicious food on earth (in opinion!)

Cacao contains high levels of antioxidants (it is the best source of flavonoids), which supports anti-aging. Cacao contains high levels of magnesium, which helps us with hormone balance, relieving stress and sleep. High-flavanol cacao can help reduce stress, aid insulin control and increase endorphins, our feel-good hormones.

Cacao is rich in fiber, protein, natural carbohydrates cholesterol-free and monounsaturated fats, and minerals (including iron, zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper, calcium and manganese).

Women usually crave chocolate a week before their period because our level of iron and magnesium drop rapidly. Your body is so smart and knows that it needs more iron and magnesium, so it craves it in the form of chocolate. Every time I crave something I know I must be missing those nutrients from my diet. Listen to your body it always tell us what we need. I know that cravings have a bad reputation, but the and is saying you what you need.

We always feel good after eating chocolate. It is all because chocolate E chocolate contains anandamide, which is a neurotransmitter that elevates your mood. Eating chocolate before our period serves as an antidepressant and improves our mood.

Chocolate contains phytochemicals such as flavonoids, which are compounds substances are produced by plants and beneficial to human health. Isoflavones called phytoestrogens are similar to estrogen. Consuming chocolate can boost your estrogen levels so that will be helpful if you have estrogen deficiency especially during menopause.

Don’t feel guilty about chocolate. It is one of the healthiest desserts you can have, just make sure that it doesn’t have a lot of sugar and the darker chocolate, the better for you!


Enjoy and lets chat; I can help you balance your hormones so you will feel energetic and vibrant!


Yummy Hot Chocolate with Coconut Whipped Cream

2 cups coconut milk
2 tablespoons unsweetened raw cacao powder
one tablespoon coconut oil
1/4 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 can (14 oz.) chilled coconut cream
2 tablespoon coconut sugar

Heat milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Remove from heat and stir in cocoa and vanilla until well combined. Pour it into the cup and voila!

Whipped cream

Chill the can of coconut cream in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours beforehand. That is the only way the coconut cream can be “whipped.”Take the coconut cream from the refrigerator and transfer to a medium bowl; whisk with an electric mixer. 
Add coconut sugar and stir everything together.
Top hot chocolate with whipped cream and enjoy the deliciousness!

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