Balancing your hormones

What can we do nutritionally to have a healthy breast?

by Angie


It is well known that Hormonal imbalances and breast cancer is on the rise. The “Support for the cure” is present everywhere and it persist. You see it in the commercial on TV, bumper stickers, walk for the cure, commercial items with pink ribbons and more. The reality of this movement is that they don’t promote any kind of prevention. It really saddens me that the energy they put in this movement is not addressing what we can do before to avoid the problem.

When comes to breast health we can do a lot of things to support breast health. Certainly healthy eating is one of them. Eating whole, fresh, real and organic and prepared at home can reduce chemical exposure from food. We have to make conscious choices to change the diet, reduce inflammation, reduce excess insulin, improve methylation and detoxification, balance our hormones, strengthen our immune system, get sufficient sleep and take care of our mental and emotional stress.

Eating anti-inflammatory, low in sugar and high in fiber along with alkalinizing diet will make a big difference.

Sugar is one of the main causes of cancer, and it depresses the immune system. Tumors require sugar for survival. Eating a low glycemic index diet to stabilize hormone level and blood sugar would be best. Sugar also increases estrogen levels, elevating estrogen-dependent cancers like breast cancer. Sugar is stored as fat in our body and fat produces estrogen. Nutrient – rich food, whole-food diet balance insulin and glucagon and also decrease inflammation. Eliminate refined carbohydrates like sugar; refine flour – cookies, cake, chips, crackers etc. Reduce grain products (because they can be inflammatory) to no more than two servings per day. The diet should consist mostly of fresh vegetables and fruits along with lean protein, fish and healthy fat .


Eat lots of vegetables every day, which means a lot of fiber. High-fiber diet stabilizes blood sugar, which has a positive effect on any cancer. High-fiber diet based on fresh fruit and vegetables, raw nuts, legumes, seeds and whole grains. Fiber is very important in hormonal balance because it helps bind excess estrogen and removes it form the body. This helps prevents a lot of issues and most importantly prevents estrogen dominance, which can lead to breast cancer. Fiber is also very important I promoting healthy weight, which is an another guard against breast cancer. Fiber slows the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream. This process keeps blood sugar and insulin levels lower, which denies a growing tumor both the sugar and insulin it needs to thrive. Taking extra fiber, will help move toxic waste to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Eating cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, cabbage, collard greens, Brussels sprout, horseradish, kohlrabi, radish, and turnips help modulate estrogen levels. They contain glucosinolates, which help to detoxify carcinogens. They contain indole-3-carbinol (Compound formed when the vegetables are cooked or crushed), which help protect against oxidants and estrogens in the body. They are great detoxifiers and stimulators of natural detoxifying enzymes in the body. Detox is critical in preventing cancer. Indole-3-carbinol helps convert estrogen from cancer producing to nontoxic breakdown products. The enzymatic process, which takes place in your body hydrolyze (break down) glucosinolates and isothiocyanates – which are released, including sulforaphane, that help fight cancer and promote apoptosis (cell death) and helps with phase 2 detoxification.


Include garlic and turmeric in your diet. They offer protection from cancer, reduce inflammation and inhibit tumor growth.


Eat omega-3 fatty acids from cold-water fish. They show a beneficial effect on breast cancer prevention. They reduce inflammation, which is one of the most important things to do to prevent and fight cancer. You ideally want an omega-6: the omega-3 ratio of 2:1, which can be difficult to obtain in a modern standard American diet . Eat fish two or three times a week. Salmon is excellent, as it has lots of omega-3s. Seafood also is the richest sources of chromium, selenium, iodine, zinc and copper – vital elements for healthy blood sugar metabolism. Remember always buy wild fish and from a reputable source. Plant sources of omega-3s include chia seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, sacha inchi seeds, walnuts, and their oils, especially flax seeds.

Eat ground flax seeds and flaxseed oil; which are breast cancer protective. They contain twice the level of omega-3 fatty acid than fish, although the are a smaller chain alpha linoleic fatty acids then fish, which contain longer-chain fatty acids like DHA and EPA. They contain lignans, which are fiber components binding to estrogen to interfere with its cancer- promoting qualities on breast tissue. They also help with the production of sex hormone binding globulin, a protein that helps with the regulation of estrogen by excreting estrogen from the body . Ground flax seed is easy to digest. Cooking with flax seed oil is not recommended because it contains polyunsaturated fat, witch can be damaged by heat.


Get enough phytoestrogens in your diet, because they are cancer protective. Phytoestrogens are plant substances that help weaken estrogen and because of that they prevents cancer. Their weakening estrogenic activity tends to block estrogen receptors on the cells from excessive estrogen stimulation from other sources. If you want to eat soy, eat only mostly fermented and organic, like tempeh, miso or natto a couple of times a week. They contain isoflavones genistein and daidzein, which inhibit cancer by decreasing levels of circulating estrogens.


Add booster food to your diet: nuts, seeds, sea vegetables and nutritional yeast. They will add extra minerals and will help with detoxification. See vegetables like spirulina, chlorella, kelp, and micro-algae. They are great for detox. Kelp and other seaweed contain lots of minerals, including trace minerals. They are a great source of iodine, which is important for cancer protection. Spirulina and chlorella provide cellular protection with a lot of beta-carotene and chlorophyll. They stimulate immunity. Spirulina is rich in phycocyanin, a pigment with anti-cancer properties and rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a fatty acid, which strengthens immunity. Make sure that it is organic and non GMO.


Eat fermented food for healthy digestion. They contain beneficial bacteria, which are crucial for healthy immunity, hormone balance, inflammation control, protection and repair of the digestive track. They boost NK cells production, which kill bad cells. They will help you to maintain a healthy immune system. Eat sauerkraut, coconut kefir, pickles, and coconut yogurt. Lactobacillus acidophilus helps metabolize estrogen properly (Northroup, 2010). Lactobacillus acidophilus also helps reduces glucuronic acid, which is associated with increased risk of cancer. The body attaches glucuronic acid to estrogen in the liver and removes it through bile excretion. Bacteria produce an enzyme called glucoronidase, which breaks the bond between glucuronic acid and estrogen and the result is rising levels of estrogen. The activity of this enzyme is higher in people who eat SAD diet.   This activity is reduced by eating lots of vegetables.


Eat healthy fats. It is best to reduce intake of saturated fats from meat and dairy and increase intake of nuts, seed, and their cold press oils or fish. Flax seed oil, pumpkin seed oil, hemp seed oil, olive oil, coconut oil avocado oil are good to use. Walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds contain omega’s three fats. Remember to soak or sprout them to reduce phytic acid. Use only cold-pressed oil. Eat herring, wild salmon, and sardines. Avoid any seeds oil because they have too much inflammatory omega’s 6. Avoid any processed fat and trans fat, like vegetable shortening, baked goods and fried foods (Bauman, 2015).


Use lots of herbs for cooking. They have anti-tumor properties and contain antioxidants. Black pepper, lemongrass, and cumin contain farnesol, which inhibits a tumors growth. Lots of herbs have anti-cancer properties. They are anti- inflammatory, enhance digestion and protect DNA. Use turmeric, ginger, rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil and more.


Eat medicinal mushrooms. Japanese shiitake, reishi, and maitake are most used in treatment for cancer and cancer prevention. They contain beta glucans- long chain polysaccharides, which strengthen the immune system and inhibit tumor growth. They are an excellent source of immune boosting minerals, essential amino acids, and enzymes. Their ability to stimulates resistance to disease and enhance immune system response is thought to be owing to the fact that the fungus causes the release of interferon and, at the same time, increases the number of macrophages in the blood which thereby increases the number of blood lymphocytes. That means that mushrooms strengthen the body’s first line of defense against infection.


Avoid alcohol because is a potent carcinogen (Bach, 2000). Alcohol also can damage the liver, can prevent it from excreting excess estrogen and increases hormones level in the blood. It destroys intestinal bacteria and increases proliferation of cells in the colon. Imbalances in gut bacteria can make the situation worst because it can lead to the reabsorption of estrogen from the gut back into your blood, even after your liver has tried to get rid of it. Alcohol also compromises liver function by lowering B vitamin levels, reducing its ability to break down excess estrogen (Page, 2000). Alcohol has been linked to breast cancer. The more a woman drinks the stronger her risk of getting breast cancer. Alcohol also depletes the body of many important nutrients, like the Vitamin B family (Murray, 2002).


Avoid caffeine. Caffeine increases symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease. It increases levels of adrenalin and cortisol, which are the stress hormones. It increases substances, which cause inflammation, like interleukin-6, C- reactive protein and homocysteine. Caffeine is also diuretic and can deplete the body from many essential nutrients. Caffeine can cause overstimulation of breast tissue in some women, but not in all. Drink green tea instead, which is associated with cancer prevention. It contains antioxidants, such as catechins. They will prevent the body from free radicals. Drink dandelion tea because dandelion inhibits cancer growth and it is a great herb to help with liver detoxification.


Avoid red meat (unless is grass fed or grass finished – this kind provides B-carotene, omega’s 3, vitamin E and cancer-fighting glutathione) and processed meat; it contains compounds called N-nitroso, which damage DNA and the high cooking temperatures produce additional carcinogens. Grilled and Broiled meat also contains lipid peroxides and heterocyclic amines, which are extremely harmful to the breast tissue. Choose lean meat, especially wild game, at least organic if not grass-feed and free-range chicken. Avoid burned meat, whether grilled, fried or barbecued.


Avoid dairy food besides whey if you were not allergic to it. Milk is linked to cancer. Milk contains growth hormones and insulin-like growth factor IGF-1, which is a naturally occurred hormone in cow’s milk, breast milk and our blood. This hormone stimulates growth. The peak of it occurs during adolescence and then the levels drop when you get older but not if you eat cheese and milk every day. It also stops cells form committing suicide (apoptosis). When the body overgrows, cells are not good news. IGF-1 is also found to be a direct stimulator of growing cancer cells, and it has been linked to increasing of breast cancer.


What else can we do besides nutrition?

Get a trampoline-

In health






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