Importance of Inner Peace for Balanced Hormones.

by Angie



Most of us spend the entirety of our lives looking for a way to be happy. Some of us will never find it, not because it is impossible but because we focus on the wrong things.

We tend to think that happiness comes from how much money we make or by how many degrees we have. The reality is, the only thing that can make us truly happy has inner peace. Inner peace comes from loving ourselves and making our inner voice love us. Women’s hormones are driving our life– if they are happy, physically and emotionally we are happy. Stress is taking over our life, and it is one of the biggest offenders to our hormones. Not loving and accepting yourself can create a burden on our bodies and hormones: that’s why it is important to keep our body in balance.

Hormonal changes

Women are going through hormonal changes many times in their lives. It starts with the menstrual cycle at an adolescent stage, then for many of us, progresses into pregnancy, motherhood and postpartum, perimenopause and essentially evolves into menopause.

These passages are natural but can be challenging nowadays. Women can experience high anxiety, severe symptoms of stress, lack of sleep and depression. Our hormones can dramatically impact our body as well as our emotions and well-being. They can trigger deep psychological changes in your self-esteem, self-image, and self-acceptance. Stress is one of the major contributors in our hormonal imbalance, and it can be triggered by fear.

When you’re upset, anxious or frightened, fear is one of the triggers of your natural defense mechanism, which is called the fight-or-flight response. Hypothalamus gland, which responsible for maintaining the body’s internal balance, will send a signal to the pituitary gland to stimulate our adrenal glands for releasing two key stress hormones: cortisol and adrenaline. This process will trigger a chain reaction throughout the endocrine system that influences all your glands.

The bigger the fear, the greater the stress is going to be, and at the same time, more cortisol and adrenaline will be released. Chronic and excess stress hormones are putting you on the roller coaster ride and leave you feeling overwhelmed, out of control and exhausted. You can have more joyful life listening more to you body, accepting yourself and going with the flow instead. Mediation can help with it.


Meditation has been proven to help regulate and control your bodily functions. It is a natural way of healing from inside and out. Meditation will take you in a state of calm where you can deeply listen to your soul. You will experience the clarity of intention, motivation, self-acceptance.

Meditation will help your body to regulate and repair itself, as well as improve your mental outlook, and your psychological and physical well-being. Meditation will contribute to reducing anxiety, depression, mood swings, fatigue, mind fog and insomnia that drain your vitality and wellbeing. Benefits of mediation for hormonal balance are amazing! It will help your mind be still, calm and clear. Anxiety and fear will subside. Your heart rate will go down, and blood pressure will regulate into a normal range. Brain wave activity will slow down and will trigger human growth hormones, which will help regulate metabolism, stimulate fat cells to reduce the number of stored fats, promote protein synthesis in your cells, and control your blood sugar.

Your adrenal glands will have the chance to take some rest, and they will stop overproducing the stress hormone. The endocrine system moves out of a state of high alert to parasympathetic stay of being. Thyroid, adrenals, and sex hormones now have an opportunity to come back into balance.


Recognizing Your Inner Voice

Every time you decide on whether you should do something, it’s your inner voice that tells you whether or not you should. Sometimes it’s there when you feel alone, and you begin to analyze yourself, and it tells you what you are doing right or wrong. Now depending on how good your self-esteem is, you will hear it encourage you or bring you down. There is a way for you to control what it says to you and how it makes you feel but the first step is to learn to recognize your inner voice, and on who’s side it is at that particular time or moment.

To know if you are listening to your inner voice is to try this little experiment:

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and put everything out of your mind. Don’t think about anything simply concentrate on silence. After a few minutes of finally concentrating and being able to block the world around you out you will hear a voice (more than likely one that sounds like your own). This is your inner voice and to listen to it, you need to meditate. With practice (and in time) you will be able to recognize your inner voice without needing to meditate. Now that you know how to recognize it you will need to either feed it (keep it on your side) or reform it (make it love you).


Feeding Your Inner Voice

If your inner voice is already on your side – meaning it loves you and speaks to you kindly – then you need to feed it so that it stays on your side. Think of it as a pet. If you feed and nurture it, it will keep you happy and be loyal to you. If you ignore it and starve it, it will lash out at you and abandon you.

The way you feed your inner voice is through a variant of meditation. You still close your eyes, empty your mind and concentrate but instead of waiting to hear what your inner voice will tell you; you praise yourself for your achievements or what you’ve done that day.

The key here is praising yourself for anything – big or small.


Reforming Your Inner Voice

Now it’s time to reform your inner voice.

There are ways to reform your inner voice on your own, but it takes a lot of hard work, discipline and patience but worth it for living a life you love.

Here is a fantastic guide to start reforming your inner voice:

  1. Find a place to sit or lay down where you won’t be bothered or interrupted.
  2. Close your eyes and start to meditate
  3. After 2-5 minutes of clearing the clutter into your meditation, start by asking your inner voice what is wrong or bothering it.
  4. Keep talking (in your mind, not out loud) to your inner voice and asking as many questions as you need to get to the bottom of the cause of its discomfort.
  5. Take notes in between your questions if you need to
  6. Start making changes in your life to help your inner voice become positive and happy.


Rewards of Reformation

Inner peace will not only bring you happiness, but it will also allow you to approach situations in a much calmer and strategical way, enabling you to diffuse situations before they escalate into problems. It can also assist you in achieving your goals and being able to keep yourself calm and mentally healthy regardless of what situations may arise around you.


The secret to a happy life is making your inner voice love you. Once you have that and you continue to feed it on a regular basis, you will be able to achieve anything in life. This includes being able to keep calm regardless of the situations surrounding you and the ability to maintain a healthy mind. With enough practice and discipline, you will even be able to help those around you diffuse their situations or even teach them how to reform their inner voice and experience real peace of mind.

In Health


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  • May 19, 2017

    My thoughts constantly drive me CRAZY! I need to get back on the meditation train.

  • May 19, 2017

    Incredibly important. I need some refocus after losing my father and father-in-law within the span of 8 months. I have been nursing everyone around me and forgetting myself. I am so scatter brained and hormonal, being 34 I know things are changing, gray hair, laugh lines, etc. This is something I am going to reference to when I get caught up in the world. Thank You.

  • May 20, 2017

    I was a victim of hormonal changes after delivering my first child and inner voice was not on my side. It always criticized my new life and it was too depressing. Finally, I met my friendly inner voice with the help of some multivitamins and exercise. I will to try to reform it further with the steps you mentioned. Thanks!

  • Pooja Krishna
    May 20, 2017

    Completely agree. Meditation is wonderful for healing the spirit and the body – love its cognitive benefits for improving concentration and memory too!

  • May 20, 2017

    Stress is definitely an enemy and one that’ll knock us down and keep us there if we let it. I don’t do this type of meditation though to find my inner peace. I like to read the Bible and meditate on it. It soothes me and helps keep my conscience (what you refer to as inner voice) in check. Nice post and much needed in this crazy hectic world we live in

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